9020 N College Ave.

Indianapolis, IN 46240

Main: (317) 259-5421

Attendance: (317) 259-5424

9020 N College Ave.

Indianapolis, IN 46240

Main: (317) 259-5421

Attendance: (317) 259-5424

Counselor’s Corner

Counselor Request Form

Name Counselor Phone Extension Email
Neill McGrann Grade 6 22105 nmcgrann@msdwt.k12.in.us

Molly Henry

Grade 7



Devin Sangster Grade 8 22106 nmcgrann@msdwt.k12.in.us
Taylor Raichel Social Worker 22821 traichel@msdwt.k12.in.us

21st Century Scholars

Click here to enroll! 

  • Indiana’s 21st Century Scholars program provides up to four years of undergraduate tuition to income-eligible students at participating colleges or universities in Indiana, as well as step-by-step guidance and support to make sure they succeed in college and receive support to finish their degree.
  • You can enroll your child as a 21st Century Scholar from the time they enter 7th grade to June 30th of their 8th grade year.


You will need to provide your name and an email address to create a ScholarTrack account. Click on “My Account” to submit an application.

How to be Organized in Middle School Resource:


Tips to Succeed 

FAQ NV Enrollment

Understanding Peer Conflict and Bullying